Breakthrough dog food is balanced and complete. Introducing it for the first time is key to its success…

Feeding Breakthrough Advice

When feeding Breakthrough feed your dog half of the recommended weight of Breakthrough twice per day at approximately the same time in the morning and evening. Just split the daily amount in the guide below into two.

  • Breakthrough is nutritionally complete and you should not add any other foods, supplements, ‘toppings’ or flavourings, not even for one meal, other than those recommended by the nutritionists and vets at Breakthrough.
  • If you make other additions to Breakthrough you may risk upsetting both the nutritional balance of the diet and disturb the mechanism and efficiency of its desired effect on your dog’s behaviour.
  • If you need to tempt your dog’s palate in the early stages of switching to feeding Breakthrough, you can highlight its complex flavours and attractive aromas by adding a little water to dampen it slightly.
  • Discontinue the use of other treats or food rewards when feeding Breakthrough as even one or two ‘extras’ might alter the balance and mood impact of the diet. Instead offer only nuggets from your dog’s recommended daily Breakthrough allowance and only strictly in the numbers recommended by our experts.

Introducing your dog to Breakthrough from another diet

All dogs are different but as a general rule, alter your dog’s diet gradually from the current food to feeding Breakthrough to avoid the risk of upsetting digestion.

Dry Food

If you are already feeding a dry diet:

  • Blend your dog’s current food with the new food by slowly altering proportions over 7 days
  • Decrease the amount of the old food by about 15% each day whilst increasing the amount of Breakthrough by 15%.

Wet Food

If you are feeding canned, semi-moist or raw / cooked meat:

  • You will need to accustom your dog to Breakthrough by gradually reducing the amount of your dog’s current diet and slowly introducing the dry food over a period of 5 to 10 days.
  • Decrease the amount of the existing diet by 10% each day whilst increasing the amount of Breakthrough by 10%.

If you are confused, concerned or just want to talk it over – email or call us and we’ll let one of our experts guide you

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