“I work at a Veterinary Surgery and spend a lot of time advising Clients on Specialist Diets and Calming Products. In the meantime I rescued a Springer Spaniel (Archie) abandoned here a year ago. He has the most fabulous temperament, however it soon became apparent that he had not been well socialised or lived indoors. He would also have intermittent bouts of severe Diarrhoea for no apparent reason.”
“What a difference! He now has firm stools and is making better progress with his reaction to other dogs…”
“We tested his stools (all clear ) and over the year I tried ‘Sensitivity’ & ‘Gastric’ Diets combined with ProBiotics and Supplimentary ‘Calming’ Tablets to no avail as every week or two he would still have his upset tum. It took days to settle. Alongside this he’s been having positive/gentle Behavioural work due to his sensitive nature.”
“On speaking to our Nurse here who specialises in Behavioural Clinics she felt Archie would be an excellent candidate for the ‘Breakthrough’ Diet and so he started it about two months ago. What a difference! He now has firm stools and is making better progress with his reaction to other dogs. He was much better after the first month, but I was holding my breath waiting for the inevitable set back. It never happened and Archie and I are so much happier for it!
I am now recommending ‘Breakthrough’ to the appropriate Clients as I can now personally vouch for it.”
“Keep up the good work!”
Suzy Hunt – Rosemullion Vets. Penryn. (Via email)
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