breakthrough™ – a unique new dog food to help manage your dog’s behaviour without changing personality
Stressed and badly behaved dogs are always in the news…so many owners struggle, so many shelters are full of problem dogs… the hours of TV advice has not helped and canine behaviourists, dog trainers and vets have been crying out for new approaches to help our nation’s dogs and their loving owners. At last we have a new and unique ‘breakthrough™’ in the fight to help dogs with difficult, worrying and unwanted behaviours.
COAPE and OSCAR Pet Foods Ltd are delighted to announce the launch of breakthrough™, the first commercially available dog food designed specifically to help dogs cope with the stresses and strains of day-to-day life.
In studying for her MSc, Val Strong demonstrated a strong link between what a dog eats and his behaviour, learning and training capability and his general happiness. As a result she went on to develop ‘Val’s Diet’, which has subsequently helped thousands of dogs overcome their emotional and behaviour problems and enjoy far happier and more relaxed lives with their owners.
However, ‘Val’s diet’ demanded careful home preparation to produce the balanced nutrient intake required to trigger the desired result of enhancing serotonin availability in the brain and so, for many years, Val and the COAPE team had been trying to develop an easier way of delivering those special effects.
But now the journey is over!!! ‘Val’s diet’ has come of age with the launch of breakthrough™, probably the most aptly named commercially prepared diet ever made for dogs, and the first of its kind in its focus of assisting the treatment of common canine emotional and behaviour problems.
At there are lots of pet dog case history success stories to view, and plenty of help and advice to enable owners to work through the three step breakthrough™ programme of ‘observe, feed and progress’ to health and happiness from mind to tail for their dog.
The 3 Step programme of feeding breakthrough™
1) Observe
Maybe your dog is fearful of others? Pulling on the lead? Easily distracted or even aggressive? Then there’s those quirky habits that you’ve always put down to being part of your dog’s personality… but they could be signs that he is unhappy and stressed. breakthrough™ might help.

2) Feed
The highly nutritious formula of breakthrough™ enables the correct amino acids to get to the brain at just the right point, and helps to boost serotonin levels. The result? A happier dog that’s easier to train and better able to cope with life’s problems.

3) Progress
Helping those owners who need a little extra assistance and guidance to take advantage of a calmer and happier breakthrough™ fed dog to train him and progress further. Backed by the nationwide network of COAPE Association of Applied Pet Behaviourists and Trainers (CAPBT) and the breakthrough™ helpline.
Feeding trials and helping rescue shelter dogs find new homes faster
For any dog, being in a rescue centre will often tell its own sad story and stress is inevitable, leading to many different behaviour changes. Initial breakthrough™ trials at Wood Green, The Animal’s Charity went so well that studies have been extended to explore the benefits of feeding breakthrough™ in greater detail. In the first trial, the shelter staff were delighted to see some dogs that had long struggled to be homed quickly found a loving family to adopt and care for them thanks to breakthrough™.
Chris Bennett BSc DipCAPBT, Head of Assessment and Behaviourist, said:
‘With breakthrough™ we now have an easy-to-feed diet that the dogs love which can make a profound difference to their manageability in the shelter, their in-house rehabilitation and training and substantially improves our chances of finding the right home for the many rescue dogs in our care. The second more in-depth trial feeding fifty dogs with breakthrough™ and assessing their behavioural response more closely is also going very well and we look forward to sharing the details shortly’.
breakthrough™ is now available to order exclusively on line from It isn’t available in pet shops, veterinary surgeries or supermarkets, each bag of food is delivered direct to the door of the customer.
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