We have been absolutely thrilled with the difference in Darcie in such a short period of time. When we originally rang Ainsley for some help, Darcie was stressed, miserable and had suffered with a few seizures in the previous months which we were unable to find the cause of. Since working with Ainsley, we now have a different dog.
“Darcie now understands that she doesn’t have to worry about every noise she hears and every person who walks past the house, she’s also learnt that the postman is actually quite friendly! On Ainsley’s suggestion we’ve made some basic changes to the way we walk both dogs and they now spend their time in the fields self regulating the exercise they have and doing doggy things like digging and investigating, rather than the obsessive ball and rabbit chasers they were before.”
“Darcie showed signs of being less stressed and miserable within 7 days and from then, Ainsley started to teach her (and us) new ways to cope with noises and how to calm herself down”
“We have also changed to a different brand of dog food [breakthrough] rather than the more commercial product we were using before. This has been really popular with both dogs, who weren’t particularly big eaters before. Darcie showed signs of being less stressed and miserable within 7 days and from then, Ainsley started to teach her (and us) new ways to cope with noises and how to calm herself down.”
“Most crucially, Darcie has now not had a seizure in some months, which leads us to believe that they may have been due to her anxiety levels as we first suspected. We are so pleased with the results with Darcie, she had a real concoction of issues, most of which were easily sorted within a few days and I’d definitely recommend Ainsley to anyone wanting to help their furry family members overcome a variety of problems. We couldn’t be more thrilled that our lovely girl is back to her old self! Thank you so much!”
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