Griffin Lives His Best Life with Breakthrough

Griffin the Spaniel in the snow

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Griffin is a rescue dog from abroad who came to me in June. He has had issues related to anxiety, particularly outside the home where he is hyper-vigilant and gets very overstimulated losing all connection with me. I started breakthrough and he has just finished his first sack I have been surprised at the change in his demeanour.

Griffen in the garden
Griffin out in the garden

He is definitely more relaxed in the home and appears more confident in himself. This has translated to him being a little more connected outside already. He has coped with the loss of our elder dog and commencing stay and play sessions at a local kennel to socialise him since we changed his diet. I am hopeful this improvement will continue. It has given me a much better base to improve his coping skills and to give him his best life.  

Griffin out on a walk
Griffin out on a walk

I certainly would recommend trying breakthrough I can see that Griffin is feeling great and this is going to give him a more positive future.

Myra Webster & Griffin

Dog looking out a window to a beautiful landscape, a shop now button and the Breakthrough TrainUp Treats

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