May 2022 Rescue Dog Update from woodgreen

Myla the Terrier

Since the launch of Breakthrough in 2016, Breakthrough has been working with woodgreen to help support dogs in rescue as they work through behaviour modification programmes that aim to rehabilitate them and find them new homes.

Ajax the Staffordshire Bull Terrier

The owner had re-homed Ajax from a drug abusing household at the beginning of the year and didn’t know too much about his past.

As time has gone on it slowly revealed that Ajax is quite an anxious boy and can be quite nervous in certain situations. Particularly in unfamiliar places around unfamiliar people, Ajax tends to be really wary and shows signs of being quite uncomfortable. The owner was struggling to find any reinforcement that Ajax will engage with because he gets distracted by his anxiety.

We decided it would be worth trying Ajax on Breakthrough StartUp as a way of helping him be more focused during his training and can feel more content when adjusting to new situations and people.

Ajax the staffordshire bull terrier sat next to a bag of Breakthrough dog food in the old packaging

Myla the Terrier

Has had 2 unsuccessful homes previously where owners have struggled with her high arousal levels Myla is constantly on the go and struggles to settle. She is having some training on site and will then hopefully be transferred to a foster home to see how her training works. We hope Breakthrough StartUp will help with her success.

Myla the terrier looking inquisitively at the camera


Beanz is a very happy friendly dog that loves being around people and other dogs. We have noticed though that she gets very distressed when away from people and is very clingy when with them. Beanz arrived as a stray so we have no history on her background and we are hoping that the Breakthrough StartUp diet will help to build some independence and self confidence that will improve her well-being and change of success in a new home.

Beanz the Mongrel dog strolling on the grass

Lady the Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Lady as many of this breed do is finding kennel life hard while she is waiting for a new home. Lady spends a lot of her time in an office with some of our admin team members but when she can’t she will spend a lot of her time scratching and crying at her kennel doors. It may be a result of this stress that when she comes out of her kennel she is a bit hyper aroused and vigilant around other days as away from the kennels she is a very relaxed dog. We are hoping Breakthrough StartUp will be another tool we can use to help her to relax and reduce stress.

Lady the Staffordshire Bull Terrier sat on the grass licking her lips

Kyra the Saluki

Kyra arrived as a stray so we have no background information. Typical of her age and breed kennelling is not the best environment for her and she is struggling with separation related behaviour problems. Alongside this we don’t think she has had much or any experience of living in a home so needs to start with all the basics of house training and settle work. We are using the Breakthrough StartUp to give us and Kyra the best chance of success in her new home and to help with her wellbeing while she is on site with us.

Kyra the 6 month old  Saluki puppy, lying down wearing a yellow bandana.

Are you looking for a dog? 

Has one of these adorable dogs touched your heart? If one of these fantastic dogs has, you can visit the woodgreen website to learn more about their story.

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