Using Desensitisation and Counterconditioning to Help with Dogs with Behaviour Problems

nervous looking dog under blanket

Does your dog have a fear of fireworks? February, March and April are the perfect months to use desensitisation and counterconditioning to support dogs with noise sensitivity issues.

Desensitisation and counterconditioning can help dogs overcome phobias and fears and can be helpful for supporting dogs with behavioural issues such as noise sensitivities, reactivity and fear of people or other dogs.

In this video, Vicky Payne BVetMed, DipCABT (RQF level6), GradDip VWHM, MRCVS explains the difference between desensitisation and counterconditioning and discusses how these behaviour techniques can help your dog.

For more information on Desensitisation and counterconditioning visit our blog.

Useful Resources for Desensitisation, Counterconditioning and Behavioural Issues

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